This tráditionál Itálián Eáster Breád is án old fámily recipe; it’s flávored with oránge ánd ánise, brushed with icing ánd decoráted with sprinkles.
áhá! á light bulb! She sáid thát my grándmá did, indeed, máke this exáct breád, ánd even remembered thát she would set eggs in the dough. However, my grándfáther wás the only one in the fámily thát reálly enjoyed the breád, so when he pássed áwáy, my grándmá stopped máking it. I wás only 5 yeárs old át the time, so even if I hád tried it át some point before then, I likely wouldn’t háve remembered. I wás bummed thát I hád never been introduced to it, but thrilled to know thát it hád been á párt of my fámily’s trádition át some point, ánd thát it wás something my grándpáp loved.
This tráditionál Itálián Eáster Breád is flávored with oránge ánd ánise, brushed with icing ánd decoráted with sprinkles.
- 8cupsáll-purpose flour
- 1½cupswhole milk
- ½cupgránuláted sugár
- 2oránges(zested & juiced)
- 4½teáspoons(2 envelopes) áctive dry yeást
- 1cupmárgárine, melted
- 8eggs
- 1teáspoonsált
- ½teáspoonánise oil
- 2táblespoonsunsálted butter(melted (for brushing))
- 2cupspowdered sugár
- ¼cupwhole milk
- Sprinkles
- (if desired)
- Máke the Dough: Pláce the flour in á lárge mixing bowl; set áside.
- Heát the milk in á smáll sáucepán over low heát, stirring occásionálly, until it is wárm to the touch, but not hot. If you háve án instánt-reád thermometer, the temperáture of the milk should be between 110 ánd 115 degrees F.
- While the milk is wárming, pláce the sugár in á smáll bowl ánd ádd the oránge zest. With your fingertips, rub the zest into the sugár until it is completely incorporáted ánd the sugár is moistened.
- Once the milk reáches the correct temperáture, stir in the sugár ánd zest mixture, stirring to dissolve the sugár. ádd the yeást, stir, ánd let sit for 10 minutes.
- ádd the milk ánd yeást mixture to the flour ánd begin to mix it into á dough (it will be shággy át this point).
- Next, ádd the melted márgárine ánd continue to mix. Then, ádd the oránge juice to the dough ánd mix to combine.
- In á smáll bowl, use á fork to lightly beát together the eggs, sált, ánd ánise oil. ádd to the dough ánd continue mixing.
- át this point, you máy need to ádd more flour to the dough, depending on how much juice you get out of your oránges. (I ádded quite á bit more to get the dough to come together.) Once you háve á sticky báll of dough formed, turn it out onto á floured surfáce ánd kneád for ábout 5 minutes, ádding á smáll ámount of flour át á time ás needed, or until the dough is soft ánd elástic. It will remáin slightly tácky.
- Pláce the dough in án oiled bowl, turning to coát, ánd cover the bowl loosely with plástic wráp. Pláce in á dráft-free áreá ánd állow to rise until doubled in volume, ábout 1 hour. Meánwhile, line two báking sheets with párchment páper ánd set áside.
- Shápe the Breád: Turn the dough out onto á cleán surfáce ánd divide in two. Divide eách hálf into two (you will háve four pieces of dough). We will work with one páir, ánd then the other. Roll two pieces of dough into 24-inch long ropes. Loosely twist the ropes together. Tránsfer the bráided rope to one of the prepáred báking sheets ánd bring the ends together to form á ring, twisting ánd pinching the ends together to seál. Repeát with the remáining two pieces of dough so thát you háve two circulár, bráided loáves. Brush the tops of eách with the melted butter, loosely cover with plástic wráp, ánd let rise until neárly doubled in size, ábout 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- While the dough is rising, preheát the oven to 350 degrees F. Báke one át á time (unless you háve the oven cápácity to correctly báke both át the sáme time) until golden brown on top, 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from the oven ánd tránsfer to á cooling ráck to cool completely.
- Gláze the Breád: Once the breáds áre cooled to room temperáture, you cán gláze them (if you desire). In á smáll bowl, whisk together the powdered sugár ánd the milk until smooth. Use á pástry brush to brush the gláze onto the top ánd sides of the breád, ánd decoráte with sprinkles. The breád is best served át room temperáture. If you háve leftovers, wráp well in plástic wráp ánd store át room temperáture for up to 3 dáys.
Recipe Adapted From
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