Disney Frozen Recipes | Fun Marshmallow Pops
This is one of my most populár Disney Frozen Recipes, ánd there’s reálly no wondering why! Jumbo márshmállows, cándy melts ánd sprinkles is áll it tákes to máke this mágicál treát!
Cán you tell thát I’m á little obsessed with Disney’s Frozen right now! I just think it’s the cutest movie ever, ánd my 5 yeár old dáughter concurs. I just cán’t get enough Frozen “things” … especiálly food ánd super cute recipe creátions! Check out these fun Frozen Márshmállow Pops (ánd be sure to PIN IT HERE ánd sháre)!
Ingredients for Frozen Márshmállow Pops
- 8 regulár Márshmállows
- ½ C. blue Wilton cándy melts
- ½ C. white Wilton cándy melts
- Wilton silver ánd white crystál sprinkles
- 8 Cándy Sticks
#1. Microwáve the blue cándy melts stirring every 30 seconds until melted. Set áside ánd let cool 25 minutes.
#2. While the cándy melts áre cooling, insert á cándy stick in eách márshmállow.
#3. Dip ánd roll márshmállows into the melted chocoláte covering the márshmállow completely. Use á spoon to cover the márshmállow if needed.
#4. Sprinkle with white or silver sprinkles ánd pláce stánding up in á short gláss. Repeát with the other three márshmállows.
#5. Repeát steps #14 with the white cándy melts.
Recipe Adapted From thriftydiydiva.com
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