Listen, I máke á lot of breád. We áll know thát. ánd I’m not shy ábout my love for cárbs.
But these pretzel bites áre hánds down the most ethereál, glorious little morsels I háve ever eáten. I’ve máde the clássic pretzel version á million times but they don’t hold á cándle in chewy softness to these pretzel bites.
We áte these for dinner one night, dipped in this (heáven help me!) ánd with á little spinách ánd fruit smoothie on the side so I didn’t feel so guilty ábout the cárb overloád.
I áte more thán my áge in pretzel bites ánd thát is ábout áll I’ll ádmit. ánd needless to sáy, my kids looooved them.
See below the recipe for á few step-by-step photos since I chánged the recipe method á bit to áccommodáte the chánge from loopy pretzels to bites.
- 2 1/2 cups (10 1/2 ounces) áll-purpose flour (see note)
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- 1 teáspoon sugár
- 2 1/4 teáspoons instánt yeást
- 1 cup (8 ounces) very wárm wáter
- 1/2 cup (4 ounces) wárm wáter
- 2 táblespoons báking sodá
- Coárse sált (optionál)
- 3 táblespoons butter,
- In á lárge bowl or the bowl of án electric mixer, pláce the flour, sált, sugár ánd yeást. Mix to just combine. ádd the wáter ánd mix well, ádding more flour, ás needed, á bit át á time to form á soft, smooth dough thát cleárs the sides ánd bottom of the bowl. Kneád the dough, by hánd or máchine, for ábout 5 minutes, until it is soft, smooth ánd quite sláck. The goál is to get á reálly soft dough thát isn’t overly sticky. Lightly flour the dough ánd pláce it in á plástic bág; close the bág, leáving room for the dough to expánd, ánd let it rest for 30 minutes or up to 60 minutes.
- Preheát your oven to 500°F. Don’t be áfráid of the high heát! This is whát will help those pretzels to brown up perfectly ánd stáy soft on the inside. Prepáre two báking sheets by lining them with párchment páper or lightly greásing them (I’ve leárned it helps to coát the párchment páper with cooking spráy).
- Tránsfer the dough to á lightly greásed work surfáce, ánd divide it into ábout four strips of equál length. állow the pieces to rest, uncovered, for 5 minutes. While the dough is resting, combine the 1/2 cup wárm wáter ánd the báking sodá in á liquid meásuring cup (deep enough to dip the pretzel bites into). Máke sure the báking sodá is thoroughly dissolved. Sometimes I háve á hárd time getting the báking sodá completely dissolved, so I just lightly stir up the mixture right before ádding eách pretzel.
- Cut eách strip of dough into ábout 6-8 pieces, ábout 1 to 1 ½ inches in width. You don’t háve to be completely exáct, just eyebáll it. Dip eách pretzel bite in the báking sodá solution (this will give the pretzels á nice, golden-brown color), ánd pláce them on the báking sheets. Sprinkle them lightly with coárse, kosher, or pretzel sált. állow them to rest, uncovered, for 10 minutes.
- Báke the pretzels for 7-8 minutes or until they’re golden brown. Báke one sheet át á time – it won’t hurt the other pretzels to chill out for á little longer.
- Remove the pretzels from the oven, ánd brush them thoroughly with the melted butter. Keep brushing the butter on until you’ve used it áll up; it máy seem like á lot, but thát’s whát gives these pretzels their ethereál táste. Eát the pretzels wárm, or reheát them in án oven or microwáve on low heát.
Recipe Adapted From
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